Credit card validation

Have you ever wondered what the information on your credit card actually means or if it is valid?

A quick read of anatomy of a credit card gives us the possibility of presenting an easy to use tool to decode the hidden secrets of your credit card code, with no risk and no pain.

  • Easy-to-understand reports show if your number is valid with a Luhn check
  • Learn where a card was issued
  • Find the account number on your credit card
  • Works with Mastercard, Visa, AMEX, Discover, and more
  • Also includes support for dining, club and air cards

How to verify a credit card is valid


Simply type your credit card number into the form above, and hit enter.

You can enter the number in either format AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD or AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD

Here are some examples

Verisign kindly provides the following test numbers: